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Complex Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar


Complex Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar

Unlock the power of complex sentences to enhance your writing! Learn how to combine clauses effectively in 6th Grade Grammar. #GrammarSkills #ComplexSentences


Ever felt like your writing could use a bit more sophistication? Welcome to the world of complex sentences! These powerful tools can transform your writing, adding depth and nuance that simple sentences just can't achieve. Whether you're a 6th-grade student looking to impress your teachers or a parent helping your child improve his or her grammar, understanding complex sentences is a game-changer. In this post, "Complex Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar," we'll break down the elements of complex sentences, showing you how to use them effectively to elevate your writing. Let's dive into the intricacies of complex sentences and take your grammar skills to the next level!

Complex Sentences

What is an independent clause?

An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. 
        Today I went to a movie with my sister, who loves action films.
        We went to a theater where she often goes with her friends.
        She heard about this movie from a friend whose brother loved it.
        When I go to a movie with friends, we usually choose something light and funny.

What is a subordinate clause?

A dependent clause cannot stand alone and begins with a subordinating conjunction, such as after, although, as, before, because, if, since, until, when, where, and while
        Today I went to a movie with my sister, who loves action films.
        We went to a theater where she often goes with her friends.
        She heard about this movie from a friend whose brother loved it.
        When I go to a movie with friends, we usually choose something light and funny.
What is a complex sentence?

A complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. 
        We drove west until we saw the mountains. 
        Although I like sports and snow, I have never learned to ski.
        My scout troop is going skiing this December.
        All the scouts will take skiing lessons before we hit the big slopes.
        We will spend the night at Sugar Loaf Camp, which is near the ski hill.

How to punctuate complex sentences?

Use a comma after dependent clauses at beginnings of sentences. 
        As we climbed higher, the temperature dropped.

Complex Sentences Activity

Each exercise begins with a sentence that, when joined with the correct answer choice, will result in a complex sentence. Select the letter of your answer.
Hint: The correct answer will be a clause.

Complex Sentences Quizizz Quiz

Each exercise begins with a sentence that, when joined with the correct answer choice, will result in a complex sentence. Choose the correct answer.
Hint: The correct answer will be a clause.


Mastering complex sentences can significantly enhance your writing by allowing you to express more detailed and nuanced ideas. By understanding how to combine independent and dependent clauses, you can create sentences that are not only grammatically correct but also engaging and sophisticated. Keep practicing with the examples and activities provided, and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Remember, the key to mastering grammar is consistent practice and application. Happy writing, and may your sentences always be as complex and captivating as your thoughts!


What is a Complex Sentence?
A complex sentence is a type of sentence structure that combines one independent clause with at least one dependent clause. The independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, while the dependent clause cannot.

How Do You Identify a Complex Sentence?
To identify a complex sentence, look for a sentence that contains both a main clause (which makes sense on its own) and a subordinate clause (which depends on the main clause to make complete sense).

What are Examples of Complex Sentences?
Examples of complex sentences include: "Although she was tired, she finished her homework," where "Although she was tired" is the dependent clause, and "she finished her homework" is the independent clause.

Why are Complex Sentences Important in Writing?
Complex sentences are important in writing because they allow for more nuanced and detailed expressions. They enable writers to connect ideas and show relationships such as cause and effect, contrast, or conditions.

How Can You Combine Simple Sentences into a Complex Sentence?
You can combine simple sentences into a complex sentence by adding a subordinating conjunction (like "because," "although," or "when") to one of the sentences, turning it into a dependent clause.

What is the Difference Between a Complex Sentence and a Compound Sentence?
A complex sentence contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause, while a compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or."

Can a Complex Sentence Have More Than One Dependent Clause?
Yes, a complex sentence can have more than one dependent clause. For example, "Because it was raining and since the temperature dropped, the event was moved indoors."

How Do Punctuation Marks Work in Complex Sentences?
In complex sentences, punctuation marks like commas are often used to separate the dependent clause from the independent clause, especially when the dependent clause comes first.

What Are Some Common Mistakes When Writing Complex Sentences?
Common mistakes in writing complex sentences include comma splices, run-on sentences, and incorrectly joining a dependent clause and an independent clause without the proper conjunction or punctuation.

How Can Students Practice Writing Complex Sentences?
Students can practice writing complex sentences by combining simple sentences using subordinating conjunctions, rewriting sentences to add dependent clauses, and identifying complex sentences in reading materials.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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