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Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar


Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar

Unlock the secrets of reflexive and intensive pronouns in our 6th-grade grammar guide. Learn their usage with examples and activities!


Ever wondered why we say "I did it myself" instead of just "I did it"? Or why "She herself told me the secret" sounds more impactful? Welcome to the fascinating world of reflexive and intensive pronouns! In this comprehensive guide, tailored for 6th-grade grammar enthusiasts, we'll unravel the mystery behind these linguistic gems. Not only will you master their usage, but you'll also discover how to make your sentences more dynamic and engaging. Let's dive in and transform your grammar skills from good to exceptional!

Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun tells about an action that a subject does for or to itself. (Singular pronouns take -self; plural pronouns take -selves.) 
        He talked himself into it. We blamed ourselves for the mess. 
        My mother and I gave ourselves plenty of time.
        I burned myself on the stove this morning.
        You can help yourselves to drinks.
        He blames himself for the accident.

Intensive Pronouns

An intensive pronoun takes the form of a reflexive pronoun. It adds emphasis without changing the meaning of the sentence. 
        The principal herself handed me the trophy.
        The signs themselves said we were on the right trail!
        Did someone paint your house?” “No, I painted it myself.” 
        He was planning to ask his assistant to go, but in the end he went himself.
        Jonathan built the shed in the backyard all by himself.

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Activity

Select the correct word from the choices in parentheses.


Mastering reflexive and intensive pronouns not only enhances your grammar but also adds depth and clarity to your writing. Whether you're aiming to emphasize a point or simply reflect an action back onto the subject, these pronouns are your go-to tools. Keep practicing, and soon you'll find yourself using them effortlessly in your everyday sentences. Happy learning!
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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