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Negatives - 6th Grade Grammar

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Negatives - Grade 6

Negatives - Grade 6

How to Use Negatives in English: A Guide for 6th Graders

Negatives are words or phrases that express the idea of "no" or "not" in a sentence. They are important in grammar because they can change the meaning of a sentence or a question. For example, look at these two sentences:

- I like chocolate. (positive)
- I do not like chocolate. (negative)

The first sentence means that you enjoy eating chocolate, but the second sentence means that you dislike eating chocolate. The word "not" makes the sentence negative.

In this post, you will learn how to use negatives correctly and avoid common mistakes in English. You will also practice using negatives in different types of sentences and questions. By the end of this post, you will be able to use negatives confidently and accurately in your own writing and speaking.

Types of Negatives

There are four main types of negatives in English: not, no, never, and none. Each type of negative has a different meaning and use.

- Not is the most common negative word in English. It is usually used with verbs to make them negative. For example:

  - She is not happy. (She is unhappy.)
  - They do not play soccer. (They play something else or nothing at all.)
  - He did not finish his homework. (He still has some homework to do.)

- No is used to answer yes/no questions negatively or to show disagreement or refusal. For example:

  - Do you like pizza? No, I don't. (I dislike pizza.)
  - Can you help me? No, I can't. (I am unable or unwilling to help you.)
  - No, you are wrong. (I disagree with you.)

- Never is used to express that something does not happen at any time or ever. For example:

  - I never eat breakfast. (I skip breakfast every day.)
  - She never lies. (She always tells the truth.)
  - He never forgets his keys. (He always remembers his keys.)

- None is used to mean "not one" or "not any" of something. It is usually used with nouns or pronouns. For example:

  - None of the students passed the test. (All of the students failed the test.)
  - There is none left. (There is nothing left.)
  - None of them are here. (They are all somewhere else.)

To practice using these types of negatives, try to write some sentences with each type of negative on your own. You can also check your answers with a friend or a teacher.

Double Negatives

A double negative is when you use two negative words or phrases in the same sentence. For example:

- I don't have no money. (double negative)
- I don't have any money. (single negative)

Double negatives are usually incorrect and confusing in standard English. They can make your sentence mean the opposite of what you want to say. For example, the double negative sentence above means that you do have some money, but that is not what you want to say.

To avoid double negatives, you should use only one negative word or phrase in a sentence. You can also rewrite your sentence with positive or single negative words. For example:

- I don't have no money. (double negative)
- I have no money. (single negative)
- I am broke. (positive)

To practice avoiding double negatives, try to find and correct the double negatives in these sentences:

- She can't hardly see without her glasses.
- He didn't say nothing to me.
- They won't never give up.

Negative Questions and Answers

A negative question is a question that contains a negative word or phrase. For example:

- Don't you like ice cream?
- Aren't you going to the party?
- Can't you swim?

Negative questions can be tricky to answer correctly and politely in English. Sometimes, they are used to show surprise or disbelief about something. Sometimes, they are used to persuade or suggest something to someone.

To answer negative questions correctly, you should pay attention to the meaning and tone of the question. You should also use yes or no before your answer to avoid confusion.

For example:

- Don't you like ice cream? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- Aren't you going to the party? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
- Can't you swim? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

Practice Exercises

Section 1: Types of Negatives

Identify the type of negative used in the following sentences:
a. She did not want to go to the party.
b. There is no time to waste.
c. I have never been to Paris.
d. None of the books on the shelf are mine.

Rewrite the following sentences using a different type of negative to change the meaning:
a. He has not seen the movie yet.
b. We have no milk left in the fridge.
c. She never eats vegetables.
d. None of the students understood the question.

Section 2: Double Negatives

Identify the double negative in the following sentences:
a. I don't want no trouble.
b. We ain't got no money.
c. He don't know nothing about it.
d. She didn't see nobody at the party.

Rewrite the following sentences using a positive or single negative word:
a. I don't want no pizza.
b. We don't need no help.
c. He can't hardly wait for the game.
d. She didn't hardly study for the test.

Section 3: Negative Questions and Answers

Write a negative question for each of the following situations:
a. You are wondering if your friend has any plans for the weekend.
b. You are asking your teacher if you don't have to do the homework.
c. You are checking if your sister didn't eat the last piece of cake.
d. You are asking your mom if she didn't forget to buy the bread.

Write an appropriate response for each of the following negative questions:
a. Don't you like ice cream?
b. Haven't you finished your homework yet?
c. Isn't it too cold outside?
d. Aren't you coming with us to the concert?
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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