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Position of Adjectives


Position of Adjectives

Discover the secrets of adjective placement in English with this comprehensive guide. Explore rules, examples, and insights to elevate your writing.

Have you ever wondered why we say "the big red car" and not "the red big car"? The position of adjectives in English can be a tricky business, but mastering it is crucial for clear and effective communication.


In the vast expanse of the English language, adjectives play a vital role in adding color and depth to our descriptions. However, their placement can be a source of confusion, even for native speakers. Understanding the rules that govern the position of adjectives is essential for anyone striving to communicate with precision and clarity.

1-Most adjectives can go in two places in a sentence:

a-before a noun

  • The new secretary doesn't 11ke me.
  • She married a rich businessman.

b-after a 'copula verb' (be, seem, look, appear, feel and some other verbs)

  • That dress is new, isn't it? He looks rich.

2-A few adjectives can go before a noun, but not usually after a verb.

Examples are elder, eldest, and little. After a verb, we use older, oldest, and small.

  • My elder brother lives in Newcastle. (Compare: He's three years older than me.)
  • He's a funny little boy. (Compare: He looks very small.)

3-Some adjectives can go after a verb, but not usually before a noun. 

The most common are ill, well and afraid, alive, alone, asleep. Before nouns we use sick, healthy, frightened, living, lone, sleeping.

  • He looks ill. (Compare: He's a sick man.)
  • Your mother's very well. (Compare: She's a very healthy woman.)
  • She's asleep. (Compare: a sleeping baby)

4-In expressions of measurement, the adjective comes after the measurement-noun.

  • two meters high (NOT high two meters)
  • ten years old 
  • two miles long


Mastering the position of adjectives is a journey that requires practice and attention to detail. By understanding and applying the rules outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to crafting more precise and impactful descriptions. Whether you're a student, writer, or simply someone who values clear communication, investing time in this aspect of the English language will undoubtedly pay dividends.

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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