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Kinds of Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar


Kinds of Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar

Subject, Object, and Indefinite Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar


Hey there, awesome 6th graders!

Welcome to the world of pronouns, where words get a chance to play different roles and make our sentences more exciting and less repetitive. You might already know a few pronouns like "he," "she," and "they," but did you know there are many different kinds of pronouns? Each type has its own special job in our sentences!

In this article, we're going to dive deep into the various kinds of pronouns. We'll explore how they help us talk about people, places, things, and even ideas without always having to repeat the same names over and over again. Get ready for some fun examples and simple explanations that will make you a pronoun pro in no time!

And for the teachers and parents reading along, this guide will provide helpful insights and tips for supporting your 6th graders as they master this essential part of grammar. Let's get started and unlock the mystery of pronouns together!

Kinds of Pronouns

A subject pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) is the subject of a sentence:
        He runs every morning. 
        Gabriella and I organized the book drive.
        They also made posters to announce the book drive.
        We asked each student in our school to donate one book.

An object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them) is the object of a verb or a preposition:
        Mr. Sayed will bring them
        The class helped us decorate bins to collect the books.

A reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) is an object that is the same as the subject of the sentence:
        Milan made herself lunch. 

An intensive pronoun emphasizes its antecedent but does not act as an object:
        Jojo herself drew the picture.

Uses of Subject and Object Pronouns

Use the subjective case, I, you, he, she, we and they, for pronouns that follow a linking verb, including forms of be. Subject pronouns are in the subjective case.
        The last to arrive was I
        We had a sixth-grade field day at school, with awards for the winners.
        The person who handed out the awards was I.
        He won the top award for winning three races.
        The second-place winner was she.

Use the objective case, me, you, him, her, us, them, for pronouns that are direct and indirect objects and objects of a preposition. Object pronouns are in the objective case. 
        Joe gave him the pen.
        I handed him the award.
        He thanked me for it.
        I recognized her for jumping the farthest.

Proper Use of Pronouns

Use a subject pronoun when the pronoun is the subject of a sentence or clause; use an object pronoun when the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. 

Use the correct form of a reflexive pronoun: himself, not hisself; ourselves, not ourself; themselves, not themself or theirself. 

Use a reflexive pronoun only when it refers to an antecedent. 
        Keith made himself lunch.

Kinds of Pronouns Activity

Read the first sentence of each set. One of the following sentences correctly replaces the underlined subject or object with the correct pronoun. Select the correct sentence.

Kinds of Pronouns Quizizz Quiz


In conclusion, pronouns are words used to replace nouns in a sentence, helping to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise. There are different types of pronouns, including personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, and interrogative pronouns. It is important to use the correct pronoun based on its role in the sentence and to remember the proper forms and usage of each type of pronoun. Additional resources such as grammar handbooks and online websites can be helpful for learning and practicing pronoun usage.


1. What is a pronoun?
A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun in a sentence. It helps avoid repetition and makes sentences more concise. For example, instead of saying "Mary went to the store," we can say "She went to the store," where "she" is the pronoun replacing "Mary."

2. What are personal pronouns?
Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things. They can be singular or plural and change based on their role in the sentence. The most common personal pronouns are "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," and "they."

3. Can you explain possessive pronouns?
Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. They replace possessive adjectives and demonstrate who owns something. Common possessive pronouns include "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "its," "ours," and "theirs."

4. What are reflexive pronouns?
Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same person or thing. They end in "-self" (singular) or "-selves" (plural). Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," "yourselves," and "themselves."

5. What do demonstrative pronouns do?
Demonstrative pronouns point out specific things or people. They include "this," "that," "these," and "those." For instance, "This is my book," or "Those are their toys."

6. How do relative pronouns work?
Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses that give more information about a noun. Common relative pronouns include "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "that." For example, "The boy who won the race is my friend."

7. What are indefinite pronouns?
Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things. Examples include "everyone," "someone," "anything," "nothing," "anybody," "everybody," "something," "nobody," and "all." For instance, "Everyone is invited to the party."

8. Can you clarify interrogative pronouns?
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. Common ones include "who," "whom," "whose," "what," and "which." For example, "Whose book is this?" or "Which color do you prefer?"

9. Are there possessive pronouns for inanimate objects?
Yes, possessive pronouns like "its" and "whose" can be used for inanimate objects. For example, "The dog wagged its tail" or "I found a lost backpack; I wonder whose it is."

10. How can I remember all the different kinds of pronouns?
To remember the kinds of pronouns, create a mnemonic or use flashcards. Practice writing sentences using different pronouns and identifying their types. Online grammar quizzes can also be helpful for reinforcement.


  1. "Warriner's Handbook: Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Sentences" by John E. Warriner: This book is a comprehensive grammar handbook widely used in schools to teach various grammar topics, including pronouns.
  2. "Grammar for Middle School: A Sentence-Composing Approach" by Don Killgallon and Jenny Killgallon: This book is tailored for middle school students and offers engaging grammar lessons, including pronouns and their different types.
  3. English Grammar Websites: a. Provides educational resources for students of all ages, including grammar lessons and worksheets for 6th graders. b. Grammarly Handbook: The Grammarly website offers a dedicated section for grammar rules and explanations, suitable for middle school students.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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