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Engaging and Fun Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Activity: Pronoun Charades


Engaging and Fun Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Activity: Pronoun Charades

Engaging and Fun Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Activity: Pronoun Charades

The use of reflexive and intensive pronouns is an important aspect of the English language that can often be confusing for students. It is crucial for learners to understand how these pronouns function in order to communicate effectively and avoid common grammatical errors. In this activity, we provide a set of index cards containing sentences with reflexive and intensive pronouns, designed to engage students and help them better understand the correct usage of these pronouns. Through this activity, students will develop their knowledge and improve their proficiency in the English language, leading to greater confidence in their writing and speaking abilities.


Pronoun Charades

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify reflexive and intensive pronouns in sentences
  • To demonstrate understanding of the difference between reflexive and intensive pronouns


  • Index cards with sentences containing reflexive and intensive pronouns
    Index Card #Sentence
    1She saw herself in the mirror and smiled.
    2John himself built that birdhouse.
    3We need to motivate ourselves to finish this project.
    4The cat licked itself clean.
    5I bought myself a new dress for the party.
    6The team members blamed themselves for the loss.
    7The CEO gave a speech to the employees himself.
    8They enjoyed themselves at the beach last weekend.
    9She hurt herself while playing basketball.
    10The chef cooked the meal himself.
  • Timer
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard


  1. Divide the class into teams of 4-5 students.
  2. Provide each team with a set of index cards containing sentences with reflexive and intensive pronouns.
  3. Instruct the students to take turns drawing a card and acting out the sentence without speaking. The rest of the team must guess the pronoun used in the sentence.
  4. After each round, the team must write the correct pronoun on the chalkboard or whiteboard for assessment.
  5. The team with the most correct answers at the end of the game wins.


  • Observe the students' participation and engagement during the game.
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the answers on the chalkboard or whiteboard.
  • Ask follow-up questions to assess students' understanding of the difference between reflexive and intensive pronouns.


  • Ask students to create their own sentences containing reflexive and intensive pronouns.
  • Have students research how reflexive and intensive pronouns are used in different languages.


  • Instead of acting out the sentences, students can draw pictures or use charades-style hand motions to convey the pronoun used in the sentence.
  • Change the mode of the game by having teams race to write the correct pronoun on a whiteboard or index card.


  • Ask students to reflect on their understanding of reflexive and intensive pronouns before and after the activity.
  • Ask students to share their thoughts on the game and what they learned about pronouns.


  • It is important to provide clear instructions and expectations for the game to ensure student success.
  • Consider differentiating the activity by providing different levels of difficulty or different sets of sentences for different groups of students.
  • Incorporate cooperative learning strategies to promote teamwork and collaboration among students.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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