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Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 2 Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 2 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 2 Answers

Match the Meaning

  1. frown
  2. deep
  3. fresh
  4. bridge
  5. cross
  6. travel
  7. worry
  8. bench
  9. signal
  10. crowd

Click next for Completing the Sentence answers.


Completing the Sentence

  1. travel
  2. fresh
  3. cross
  4. worry
  5. signal
  6. bridge
  7. crowd
  8. bench
  9. deep
  10. frown

Click next for Words in Context answers.


Words in Context

  1. The runners were getting ready to run the New York City race.
  2. The runners looked fresh and ready to go.
  3. When the signal went off, the runners started to run across the across the bridge.
  4. A runner has to cross the finish line.

Click next for Write Your Own answers.


Write Your Own

  1. The lake was very deep, and we could not see the bottom.
  2. She had a frown on her face when she dropped her ice cream.
  3. Mom told me not to worry because everything would be okay.

Click next for Word Games answers.


Word Games

  1. bridge
  2. deep
  3. frown
  4. crowd
  5. travel
  6. worry
  7. fresh
  8. bench
  9. signal
  10. cross
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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