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Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 3 Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 3 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 3 Answers

Match the Meaning Answers

  1. seashell
  2. beach
  3. ocean
  4. stack
  5. idea
  6. wave
  7. center
  8. finally
  9. tiny
  10. wonder

Click next for Completing the Sentence Answers.


Completing the Sentence Answers 

  1. beach
  2. ocean
  3. wonder
  4. tiny
  5. center
  6. seashell
  7. wave
  8. stack
  9. Finally
  10. idea

Click next for Words in Context answers.


Words in Context Answers

  1. Dad wondered what Jenny was making with the sand.
  2. Jenny put the biggest ball on the bottom and the smallest ball on top.
  3. The word finally means “at last.”
  4. Jenny’s idea was to make a “snowman” out of sand.

Click next for Write Your Own answers.


Write Your Own Answers

  1. The tiny boat floated on the ocean.
  2. The center of the ocean is very deep.
  3. I saw a tiny wave on the beach.
  4. The wave was tiny and harmless.
  5. The center of the boat was wet.

Click next for Word Games answers.


Word Games Answers

  1. ocean
  2. beach
  3. tiny
  4. seashell
  5. idea
  6. finally
  7. shell
  8. center
  9. wave - wonder
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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