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Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 4 Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 4 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level Purple Unit 4 Answers

Match the Meaning Answers

  1. midnight
  2. snowstorm
  3. weekend
  4. rainbow
  5. clear
  6. whisper
  7. arrive
  8. float
  9. enormous
  10. exactly

Click next for Completing the Sentence answers.


Completing the Sentence Answers

  1. midnight
  2. weekend
  3. whisper
  4. clear
  5. arrive
  6. enormous
  7. rainbow
  8. exactly
  9. float
  10. snowstorm

Click next for Words in Context answers.


Words in Context Answers

  1. The weather today is almost exactly like the weather yesterday.
  2. Around midnight. clouds may move in.
  3. The weather will be clear and hot by the weekend.
  4. People should arrive early because the beach will be crowded.
Click next for Write Your Own answers.


Write Your Own Answers

  1. The colorful rainbow floated across the sky.
  2. The boat floated gently on the calm lake.
  3. The rainbow was so bright that it seemed to float in the air.
  4. The whisper of the wind through the trees was soothing.
  5. The whisper of the ocean waves lulled me to sleep.

Click next for Word Games answers.


Word Games Answers

  1. float
  2. whisper
  3. clear
  4. rainbow
  5. enormous
  6. exactly
  7. snowstorm
  8. midnight
  9. weekend
  10. arrive
What side of a bird has the most feathers?
the outside
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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