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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Final Mastery Test Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level G Final Mastery Test Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level G Final Mastery Test Answers

Synonyms Answer Key

  1. a. countermand and b. repudiate
  2. b. raze and d. demolish
  3. a. debris and c. flotsam
  4. b. paltry and c. insignificant
  5. a. eulogy and d. tribute
  6. a. object and c. demur
  7. b. fiat and c. decree
  8. a. wretched and d. abject
  9. b. verify and c. substantiate
  10. c. gall and d. effrontery
  11. a. picayune and c. trifling
  12. b. foreshadow and c. portend
  13. b. mandate and d. authorization
  14. a. deign and b. stoop
  15. a. depreciate and c. deplore
Click Next for Antonyms Answers

Antonyms Answer Key

16. a. arrogate and c. renounce
17. b. moot and c. indisputable
18. a. feckless and d. effective
19. c. moribund and d. thriving
20. b. frenetic and c. calm
21. a. flatter and d. calumniate
22. b. banal and c. original
23. a. coherent and d. muddled
24. a. decry and c. commend
25. b. antagonize and c. conciliate

Click Next for Analogies Answers

Analogies Answer Key

26. b. taciturn is to prolixity  
27. c. indigestible is to eat
28. d. bat is to myopic
29. b. quicksand is to swamp
30. c. sensitivity is to feel
31. d. overweening is to excess 
32. d. ubiquitous is to prevalence 
33. d. lackadaisical is to indolence

Click Next for Two-Word Completion Answers

Two-Word Completion Answer Key

34. c. belabor . . . atrophy 
35. d. eclectic . . . dilettante 
36. a. inane . . . incarcerate
37. a. incumbent . . . neophyte

Click Next for Supplying Words in Context Answers

Supplying Words in Context Answer Key

38. allay  
39. bucolic
40. murky  
41. nuance  
42. illusory  
43. eschew  
44. carping  
45. coterie 
46. dissemble 
47. glean 
48. garish  
49. distraught

Click Next for Word Associations Answers

Word Associations Answer Key

50. **b.** "I don't know."  
51. **d.** museums and concerts  
52. **b.** "Rise and shine!"  
53. **c.** the human mind  
54. **b.** stalling for time  
55. **c.** basic theme  
56. **a.** get out of its way  
57. **a.** the stage  
58. **b.** first  
59. **b.** the charge remains to be proved  
60. **b.** enjoy themselves  
61. **d.** a habitual liar  

Click Next for Choosing the Right Meaning Answers

Choosing the Right Meaning Answer Key

62. **a.** approval  
63. **a.** connivance  
64. **c.** fortress  
65. **d.** wary  
66. **c.** gambol  
67. **b.** promptness  
68. **c.** tirade  
69. **b.** collusion  
70. **c.** disorganization
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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