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Vocabulary Workshop Level F Final Mastery Test Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level F Final Mastery Test Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level F Final Mastery Test Answers

Synonyms Answer Key

  1. a. foment and d. elicit
  2. b. gauche and c. graceless
  3. a. enthrall and c. charm
  4. b. approbation and c. approval
  5. a. scintillating and d. witty
  6. a. hiatus and c. pause
  7. b. autonomy and d. independence
  8. a. lassitude and d. weariness
  9. b. motley and c. diverse
  10. c. recapitulate and d. summarize
  11. a. saturate and c. permeate
  12. a. grandiose and c. extravagant
  13. b. perfidy and d. treachery
  14. a. sanctimonious and b. hypocritical
  15. b. unstated and c. implicit

Click Next for Antonyms Answers

Antonyms Answer Key

16. b. imperious and d. subservient 
17. a. hackneyed and c. novel
18. b. sadistic and d. humane
19. a. dissension and d. agreement
20. b. dilatory and d. prompt
21. b. deliberate and c. inadvertent
22. b. aver and c. disavow
23. a. politic and b. imprudent
24. b. torpid and c. energetic
25. b. extricate and c. embroil

Click Next for Analogies Answers

Analogies Answer Key

26. b. nonchalant is to sangfroid
27. c. kilo is to gram
28. d. jagged is to irregularities
29. b. pioneer is to settle
30. c. irrevocable is to retract
31. d. slum is to squalid
32. b. revolting is to disgust
33. d. skinny is to cadaverous

Click Next for Two-Word Completion Answers

Two-Word Completion Answer Key

34. c. affable . . . brusque
35. d. consternation . . . petulant
36. a. abate . . . bombastic
37. a. wheedle . . . susceptible

Click Next for Supplying Words in Context Answers

Supplying Words in Context Answer Key

38. amnesty
39. ingratiate
40. anathema
41. coalition
42. contraband
43. equitable
44. flout
45. acculturation
46. astute
47. castigate
48. novice
49. assuage

Click Next for Word Associations Answers

Word Associations Answer Key

50. c. delusions of grandeur
51. b. insulted
52. a. time and experience
53. c. a yawn
54. c. is an ideal example of wittiness
55. c. an embezzler
56. a. in a state of uncertainty
57. d. the number of books produced
58. a. get rid of objectionable material
59. b. conspicuously
60. b. support it
61. d. Pay your bills!

Click Next for Choosing the Right Meaning Answers

Choosing the Right Meaning Answer Key

62. a. hostile
63. a. atmosphere
64. c. upset
65. d. facilitate
66. c. principles
67. b. displayed
68. c. change
69. b. attribute
70. c. improve

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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