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Vocabulary Workshop Level F Review Units 7-9 Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Level F Review Units 7-9 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level F Review Units 7-9 Answers

Vocabulary for Comprehension

  1. e. how members of elephant families keep in touch in dense forests
  2. b. their habitat
  3. a. portly
  4. c. how hard it is to count elephants
  5. b. loot
  6. d. emitting deep rumbling sounds humans cannot hear
  7. e. indistinct
  8. a. trivial
  9. b. Elephants live in close-knit groups.
  10. c. diffused
  11. e. review
  12. d. interested amateur
Click Next for Two-Word Completions

Two-Word Completions

  1. odium ... perfidy
  2. cadavers ... squeamish
  3. grandiose ... penury
  4. infraction ... relegated
  5. pillaged ... desecrated
  6. culpable ... mitigated
  7. inconsequential ... beneficent
Click Next for Choosing the Right Idiom

Choosing the Right Idiom

  1. short and sweet - i) brief yet meaningful; direct and to the point
  2. cut to the chase - a) leave out the details and get to the point
  3. piece of cake - g) something easy; a task that can be completed without much effort
  4. backing the wrong horse - j) supporting the wrong or losing side
  5. crocodile tears - b) fake sadness used to manipulate people
  6. thinking on his feet - e) making decisions with little effort or prior planning
  7. rude awakening - c) an unpleasant understanding or revelation
  8. brought the house down - f) put on a successful performance
  9. wild goose chase - d) a wasted effort looking for something that is difficult to find or nonexistent
  10. cooking the books - h) manipulating financial figures
Click Next for Writing with Idioms

Writing with Idioms

  1. cast a wide net
    Sample answer: Cast a wide net when you’re looking for props for the play; you can find useful items just about anywhere.
  2. take it with a grain of salt
    Meaning: View something skeptically or with caution.
    Sample answer: She told me about the rumor, but I’ll take it with a grain of salt until I see evidence.
  3. walking on eggshells
    Meaning: Acting carefully to avoid upsetting someone.
    Sample answer: Ever since their argument, I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around them.
  4. blow a fuse
    Meaning: To lose one’s temper.
    Sample answer: He blew a fuse when he found out the project wasn’t completed on time.
  5. on your high horse
    Meaning: Acting superior or arrogant.
    Sample answer: She needs to get off her high horse and realize everyone makes mistakes.
  6. herding cats
    Meaning: Trying to manage a chaotic or unmanageable situation.
    Sample answer: Organizing all those volunteers felt like herding cats.
  7. dial it back
    Meaning: To reduce intensity.
    Sample answer: The coach told the players to dial it back during practice to avoid injuries.
  8. common ground
    Meaning: Shared interests or mutual understanding.
    Sample answer: They found common ground in their love of classic literature.
  9. a drop in the ocean
    Meaning: A very small or insignificant amount compared to what is needed.
    Sample answer: Donating $5 felt like a drop in the ocean compared to the millions needed for the project.
  10. a feather in your cap
    Meaning: An achievement to be proud of.
    Sample answer: Winning the championship was certainly a feather in her cap.
  11. give up the ghost
    Meaning: To stop working or die.
    Sample answer: My old car finally gave up the ghost after 15 years of service.
  12. a fly on the wall
    Meaning: Someone who observes a situation without being noticed.
    Sample answer: I wish I could be a fly on the wall during their private discussions.
Click Next for Shades of Meaning

Shades of Meaning

  1. odium: -
  2. beneficent: +
  3. austere: -
  4. hypothetical: 0
  5. dissipated: -
  6. torpid: -
  7. corpulent: -
  8. avarice: -
  9. stalwart: +
  10. desecrate: -
  11. restitution: +
  12. resuscitate: +
  13. mitigate: +
  14. gauntlet: 0
  15. squeamish: -
  16. nebulous: -
Click Next for Expressing the Connotation

Expressing the Connotation

  1. negative: powerless
  2. positive: dispassionate
  3. neutral: novice
  4. negative: reproved
  5. positive: queried
  6. negative: anathema
  7. positive: dutiful
  8. neutral: assigned
Click Next for Challenge: Using Connotation

Challenge: Using Connotation

  1. Concoct
    Sample response: The word "concoct" paints a more vivid image of the mother devising special—and perhaps secret—recipes.
  2. Pillaging
    Sample response: The negative tone of "pillaging" makes the actions of the adventurers seem more insidious and violent.
  3. Ignoble
    Sample response: The negative tone of "ignoble" makes the general’s laws seem corrupt or dishonorable.
Click Next for Classical Roots

Classical Roots

  1. Parenthetical
  2. Thesis
  3. Morphology
  4. Pseudomorph
  5. Metamorphosis
  6. Anthropomorphic
  7. Theme
  8. Epithet
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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