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Vocabulary Workshop Enriched Edition Level Blue (Grade 5) Unit 4 Answers


Vocabulary Workshop Enriched Edition Level Blue (Grade 5) Unit 4 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Enriched Edition Level Blue (Grade 5) Unit 4 Answers – Reliable vocabulary solutions for students, teachers, parents, and homeschoolers.

Match the Meaning Answer Key

  1. d - aggressive
  2. b - deceive
  3. a - associate
  4. c - hazy
  5. d - glamour
  6. b - emigrate
  7. a - mishap
  8. c - overwhelm
  9. c - flexible
  10. d - luxurious
  11. c - linger
  12. a - span
Click next for Synonyms Answer Key

Synonyms Answer Key

  1. c - glamour
  2. d - overwhelm
  3. c - mishap
  4. d - emigrate
  5. b - deceive
  6. c - span
Click next for Antonyms Answer Key

Antonyms Answer Key

  1. b - aggressive
  2. b - associate
  3. d - linger
  4. c - flexible
  5. d - luxurious
  6. d - hazy
Click next for Completing the Sentence Answer Key

Completing the Sentence Answer Key

A New Life in America

  • emigrate
  • deceive
  • span
  • hazy
  • mishaps
  • overwhelming

A Legal Brief

  • aggressive
  • flexible
  • associate
  • glamour
  • linger
  • luxurious
Click next for Word Associations Answer Key

Word Associations Answer Key

  1. c. stepping in a puddle
  2. a. might feel like you will cry
  3. d. learn more about keys and symbols
  4. c. having a great time
  5. a. gold jewelry
  6. d. vacations with summer
  7. d. expensive restaurants
  8. b. play as hard as they can
  9. a. pretending to throw a ball
  10. c. Canada
  11. b. from birth to death
  12. d. a garden hose
Click next for Word Study *Analogies Answer Key

Word Study Answer Key *Analogies


1 → scissors is to cut
2 → honey is to sweet
3 → luxurious is to plain
4 → trout is to fish


5. vegetable – A strawberry is a type of fruit, and a carrot is a type of vegetable.
6. magnify – A ruler is used to measure, and a microscope is used to magnify.
7. slow – A cheetah can be described as fast, and a snail can be described as slow.
8. clear – The pairs of words are antonyms.
9. fool – The pairs of words are synonyms.

Click next for Shades of Meaning *Words That Describe Behavior Answer Key

Shades of Meaning *Words That Describe Behavior Answer Key


  1. impulsive
  2. aggressive
  3. arrogant
  4. assertive
  5. assertive
  6. impulsive
  7. arrogant


8. Aggressive – (Example response: "I saw a basketball player aggressively arguing with the referee.")
9. Arrogant – (Example response: "A classmate refused to listen to others’ ideas because he thought his were the best.")
10. Assertive – (Example response: "I spoke up in a group project to make sure my opinion was heard.")
11. Impulsive – (Example response: "My friend bought an expensive jacket without thinking about the cost.")

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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